Showcase all paragraph types

This is 2nd level heading

This is a test paragraph.

This is 3rd level heading

This is a test paragraph.

This is 4th level heading

This is a test paragraph.

This is 5th level heading

This is a test paragraph.

This is 6th level heading

This is a test paragraph.

Basic block level elements

This is a normal paragraph (p element). To add some length to it, let us mention that this page was primarily written for testing the effect of user style sheets. You can use it for various other purposes as well, like just checking how your browser displays various HTML elements by default. It can also be useful when testing conversions from HTML format to other formats, since some elements can go wrong then.

This is another paragraph. I think it needs to be added that the set of elements tested is not exhaustive in any sense. I have selected those elements for which it can make sense to write user style sheet rules, in my opionion.

This is a div element. Authors may use such elements instead of paragraph markup for various reasons. (End of div.)

This is a block quotation containing a single paragraph. Well, not quite, since this is not really quoted text, but I hope you understand the point. After all, this page does not use HTML markup very normally anyway.

The following contains address information about the author, in an address element.

Jukka Korpela,
Päivänsäteenkuja 4 A, Espoo, Finland


This is a paragraph before an unnumbered list (ul). Note that the spacing between a paragraph and a list before or after that is hard to tune in a user style sheet. You can't guess which paragraphs are logically related to a list, e.g. as a "list header".

  • One.
  • Two.
  • Three. Well, probably this list item should be longer. Note that for short items lists look better if they are compactly presented, whereas for long items, it would be better to have more vertical spacing between items.
  • Four. This is the last item in this list. Let us terminate the list now without making any more fuss about it.

The following is a menu list:

  • One.
  • Two.
  • Three. Well, probably this list item should be longer so that it will probably wrap to the next line in rendering.
  • The following is a dir list:

  • One.
  • Two.
  • Three. Well, probably this list item should be longer so that it will probably wrap to the next line in rendering.
  • This is a paragraph before a numbered list (ol). Note that the spacing between a paragraph and a list before or after that is hard to tune in a user style sheet. You can't guess which paragraphs are logically related to a list, e.g. as a "list header".

    1. One.
    2. Two.
    3. Three. Well, probably this list item should be longer. Note that if items are short, lists look better if they are compactly presented, whereas for long items, it would be better to have more vertical spacing between items.
    4. Four. This is the last item in this list. Let us terminate the list now without making any more fuss about it.

    This is a paragraph before a definition list (dl). In principle, such a list should consist of terms and associated definitions. But many authors use dl elements for fancy "layout" things. Usually the effect is not too bad, if you design user style sheet rules for dl which are suitable for real definition lists.

    see recursion
    recursion, indirect
    see indirect recursion
    indirect recursion
    see recursion, indirect
    a word or other expression taken into specific use in a well-defined meaning, which is often defined rather rigorously, even formally, and may differ quite a lot from an everyday meaning

    Text-level markup

    • CSS (an abbreviation; abbr markup used)
    • radar (an acronym; acronym markup used)
    • bolded (b markup used - just bolding with unspecified semantics)
    • big thing (big markup used)
    • large size (font size=6 markup used)
    • Courier font (font face=Courier markup used)
    • red text (font color=red markup used)
    • Origin of Species (a book title; cite markup used)
    • a[i] = b[i] + c[i); (computer code; code markup used)
    • here we have some deleted text (del markup used)
    • an octet is an entity consisting of eight bits (dfn markup used for the term being defined)
    • this is very simple (em markup used for emphasizing a word)
    • Homo sapiens (should appear in italics; i markup used)
    • here we have some inserted text (ins markup used)
    • type yes when prompted for an answer (kbd markup used for text indicating keyboard input)
    • Hello! (q markup used for quotation)
    • He said: She said Hello! (a quotation inside a quotation)
    • you may get the message Core dumped at times (samp markup used for sample output)
    • this is not that important (small markup used)
    • overstruck (strike markup used; note: s is a nonstandard synonym for strike)
    • this is highlighted text (strong markup used)
    • In order to test how subscripts and superscripts (sub and sup markup) work inside running text, we need some dummy text around constructs like x1 and H2O (where subscripts occur). So here is some fill so that you will (hopefully) see whether and how badly the subscripts and superscripts mess up vertical spacing between lines. Now superscripts: Mlle, 1st, and then some mathematical notations: ex, sin2 x, and some nested superscripts (exponents) too: ex2 and f(x)g(x)a+b+c (where 2 and a+b+c should appear as exponents of exponents).
    • text in monospace font (tt markup used)
    • underlined text (u markup used)
    • the command cat filename displays the file specified by the filename (var markup used to indicate a word as a variable).

    Some of the elements tested above are typically displayed in a monospace font, often using the same presentation for all of them. This tests whether that is the case on your browser:

    • This is sample text inside code markup
    • This is sample text inside kbd markup
    • This is sample text inside samp markup
    • This is sample text inside tt markup


    This is a text paragraph that contains some inline links. Generally, inline links (as opposite to e.g. links lists) are problematic from the usability perspective, but they may have use as “incidental”, less relevant links. See the document Links Want To Be Links.


    This is a form containing various fields (with some initial values (defaults) set, so that you can see how input text looks like without actually typing it):

    The following two radio buttons are inside a fieldset element with a legend:
    Check those that apply


    The following table has a caption. The first row and the first column contain table header cells (th elements) only; other cells are data cells (td elements), with align="right" attributes:

    Sample table: Areas of the Nordic countries, in sq km
    Country Total area Land area
    Denmark 43,070 42,370
    Finland 337,030 305,470
    Iceland 103,000 100,250
    Norway 324,220 307,860
    Sweden 449,964 410,928

    Character test

    The following table has some sample characters with annotations. If the browser’s default font does not contain all of them, they may get displayed using backup fonts. This may cause stylistic differences, but it should not prevent the characters from being displayed at all.

    Char. Explanation Notes
    ê e with circumflex Latin 1 character, should be ok
    em dash Windows Latin 1 character, should be ok, too
    Ā A with macron (line above) Latin Extended-A character, not present in all fonts
    Ω capital omega A Greek letter
    minus sign Unicode minus
    diameter sign relatively rare in fonts
    Texte alternatif - Image full width - Large
    Texte alternatif - Image full width - Medium

    Push testimonial

    La Fondation Cancer m’a offert le soutien dont j’avais besoin à un moment où la solitude me frappait comme jamais dans ma vie.
    j’ai trouvé à la Fondation Cancer une oreille attentive en la personne de mon psychologue.

    Alors que je me sentais incomprise par mon entourage, qui essayait de m’aider au quotidien mais qui ne mesurait pas l’ampleur de ma détresse, j’ai trouvé à la Fondation Cancer une oreille attentive en la personne de mon psychologue. C’est là-bas aussi que j’ai rencontré des personnes qui avec vécu la même chose et ils m’ont communiqué une force que je ne me soupçonnais pas. C’est cette force qui m’a permis de supporter et d’affronter chaque étape de la maladie.

    Lisa, 42 ans Cancer du sein

    Text + aside (no bg)

    Body text

    Text + aside (red bg)

    Body text

    Text alt

    Text + aside (grey bg)

    Body text

    Texte alt
    Tip 1

    Body tip - bg blue

    Text + aside (grey bg)

    Body text

    Text alt tip
    Tip 2

    Body tip - red

    Text full width body

    Toggle list - item 1 - Body

    Toggle list - item 2 - Body

    Toggle list - item 3 - Body

    Text + listing

    Body text + listing

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    Aliquam Decet Pala
    Cette question sert à vérifier si vous êtes un visiteur humain ou non afin d'éviter les soumissions de pourriel (spam) automatisées.

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